
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheese Puffs and Cherries

I am lucky enough to live on a street with lots of kids and some great friends! One of my best friends lives just 4 houses down from me and it is not unusual on the spur of a moment to swoop up Addy and head to someone’s house for chicken nuggets, french fries and wine. Last night was one of those nights. The kids run in circles in the house, laughing and fighting and the moms sit at the kitchen island trying to relax and catch up. We try...oh do we try to have adult conversation amidst all of the constant interruptions of "mommy watch this" or tear filled "mommy that's mine." When we try to return to conversation the golden question is always "what were we talking about?" Last night the answer was Cheese Puffs and Cherries! REALLY!!?!?!? Our adult conversation is about cheese puffs and cherries?!? We burst into laughter at all of the ridiculous things we talk about even when we do have a moment for adult banter. I guess that is what this life is coming more talk about our crazy work days, that fabulous pair of shoes we want soo badly at Nordstrom rack, or even the sweet vacation hubby and I are off to....our conversations have turned to Cheese puffs and Cherries! It makes me smile!

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