
Friday, February 25, 2011

A laugh is a smile that bursts.....

A laugh is a smile that bursts and when I look at this little girl not only does my smile burst but so does my heart. As I lay in bed the monitor light flashes that the princess has risen and is ready for the day. I can usually tell what kind of day we are going to have by the sounds that awaken me. Today I was awakened by laughter and babble. Addy has found her voice and loves a morning chat with her closest stuffies. I usually roll over and turn on the screen so I can see what she is doing. As I lay there and listen I smile and usually start laughing at what she is saying....all babble but brilliant! "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!"

I take one last snuggle into my pillow and decide its time to rise and shine and get ready for the day...oh what a day it was! We sang as we got dressed...had a full conversation while eating breakfast and drinking our coffee (Addy her juice) and then we were off! Goldfish, cookies, and fruit bars in tow we ventured out for the day! The high pitched tone of Elmo's voice which once made me cringe is now a happy sound...we sing and dance to the music in the car and again are filled with laughter. I guess Addy doesn't appreciate my dance moves or that I spent years perfecting them as a cheerleader...she thinks it is hilarious when I dance with her.

As brilliant and funny as Addy was this morning she stayed that way throughout the day!

I hope these pictures are a way to share our laughter from the day....I know they make me smile!

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