
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Addy G

It seems like just yesterday Addy was still warm and cozy in my belly...I loved her from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to decorate the nursery, of course in all pink, and put her name on everything I could find.

Addison Grace….Born 12/21/2009at 7:58am

6 lbs. 15 oz. 20.25 inches long

Her name:

Addison- We got Addison after the watching Greys Anatomy and doctor Addison Montgomery

Grace- I love this word and the meaning of it…every woman should have grace!

My baby girl had her 1st Birthday last month...I can't believe how fast it goes! It seems like just yesterday I heard her first cry...the sound took my breathe away! My life changed forever that I walked hand in hand with her today for the first time I realized that my life is changing everyday!

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