
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Stay here a little while…what does that mean? What does it mean to you as a reader of my blog and what does it mean to me? I have considered writing a blog for a long time. I spend hours in the evening over a cup of tea reading about the lives, ideas, and visions of other woman. I find myself immersed in these blogs. It gives me a place to go without leaving my house, my hubby, and my girls. Sometimes it seems as if I have gone on a journey into someone else’s life and I haven’t left the comfort of my leather chair. Snuggled up, exhausted from the screams, cries, and babble of my curious toddler, these blogs allow me to see how other moms feel about their lives. These amazing journeys that we are on should be shared, we should be proud of our strong moments as well as the weak ones, our creativity, and acceptance of the journey that we have been given. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes my husband looks at me and says “where are you tonight?” I am right where I want to be. Sitting in my spot, wrapped up next to my amazing husband while my babies rest for the night. I may be immersed into someone else’s world but I am home…think I will stay here a little while.

Now that you know…join me. Read about my life, my ideas, and how I am going to make the most out of my journey. I hope you sometimes find refuge in what I am writing, maybe sometimes just a laugh. I am not a professional writer, CEO of a company, or someone who even has a ground breaking idea…I am Christy, a stay at home mom, sister, daughter, and wife. I have had some wonderful experiences and made some amazing friends along the way. I want to share all of this with you….grab a glass of wine, tea, or drink of your choice and join me….

………………………..Stay here a little while


  1. Thats awesome, can't wait to

  2. i love it!
    happy blogging, old friend!
    can't wait to follow along on your journey!

  3. so exciting!! i love the look of your blog:) can't wait to see how it unfolds for you. it is such a great way to document this crazy journey of motherhood!!!

  4. Looking forward to reading all about beautiful Addy G!!! Good for you, what a way to start out the new year. xoxo
