
Friday, February 25, 2011

Tadoodles...we are coloring!

Today it was raining, windy, and we were just plain bored! So mommy had a great idea...time to teach Addy to color with her new Toddler Crayola Crayons called Tadoodles! She loved them and I loved watching her learn something new..on this rainy, windy boring day!

A laugh is a smile that bursts.....

A laugh is a smile that bursts and when I look at this little girl not only does my smile burst but so does my heart. As I lay in bed the monitor light flashes that the princess has risen and is ready for the day. I can usually tell what kind of day we are going to have by the sounds that awaken me. Today I was awakened by laughter and babble. Addy has found her voice and loves a morning chat with her closest stuffies. I usually roll over and turn on the screen so I can see what she is doing. As I lay there and listen I smile and usually start laughing at what she is saying....all babble but brilliant! "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!"

I take one last snuggle into my pillow and decide its time to rise and shine and get ready for the day...oh what a day it was! We sang as we got dressed...had a full conversation while eating breakfast and drinking our coffee (Addy her juice) and then we were off! Goldfish, cookies, and fruit bars in tow we ventured out for the day! The high pitched tone of Elmo's voice which once made me cringe is now a happy sound...we sing and dance to the music in the car and again are filled with laughter. I guess Addy doesn't appreciate my dance moves or that I spent years perfecting them as a cheerleader...she thinks it is hilarious when I dance with her.

As brilliant and funny as Addy was this morning she stayed that way throughout the day!

I hope these pictures are a way to share our laughter from the day....I know they make me smile!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Over the river and through the woods.... grandmas house we go! We always make our way up to Grandmas house in Woodstock, NY on Thanksgiving! I finally had some extra time to put together some of the pictures we took during our stay! I can't even begin to describe the serenity my family feels as we start making our way up to the mountain to one of our favorite places...Grandmas!! The overwhelming love and comfort that fills the home is astounding and mommy has a place to breathe. Daddy starts on his projects right away and I get to watch my girls have the time of their lives.....

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Show me your moves....

Addy loves to dance...anytime music comes on she starts moving! I thought I would share her grooves with these videos we took when she was not looking...I am going to keep these close by so that when she is a teenager I have them to show all of her friends! (Insert evil laugh)

Please excuse the quality of the videos...they are with our camera phones so they are not very clear..but you very clearly will get the point that Addy G has some moves! Enjoy!

Addy dancing to Elmo from Christy Yamagata on Vimeo.

Untitled from Christy Yamagata on Vimeo.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Happy Love Day....what a great day! As my baby girl leans in to kiss me good morning I take her all in, the smell of the baby lotion from her bath the night before, and the sleep in her big brown eyes. Today was the first day that she actually leaned in to kiss me...appropriate for Valentines Day. Now I think it has become her favorite thing to do...she will just walk up, look at me and kiss me. What an amazing feeling...this beautiful little girl loves her momma and wants to show me with kisses.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Here comes the sun

We saw comes the sun..and it is supposed to be warming up as the days go on...Addy and I decided to take advantage of the 40 degree day and head outside. Bundled up in boots, gloves, and her pretty pink hat we headed out to take a walk. She loved being outside and taking in the fresh air. I can't wait for Spring!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheese Puffs and Cherries

I am lucky enough to live on a street with lots of kids and some great friends! One of my best friends lives just 4 houses down from me and it is not unusual on the spur of a moment to swoop up Addy and head to someone’s house for chicken nuggets, french fries and wine. Last night was one of those nights. The kids run in circles in the house, laughing and fighting and the moms sit at the kitchen island trying to relax and catch up. We try...oh do we try to have adult conversation amidst all of the constant interruptions of "mommy watch this" or tear filled "mommy that's mine." When we try to return to conversation the golden question is always "what were we talking about?" Last night the answer was Cheese Puffs and Cherries! REALLY!!?!?!? Our adult conversation is about cheese puffs and cherries?!? We burst into laughter at all of the ridiculous things we talk about even when we do have a moment for adult banter. I guess that is what this life is coming more talk about our crazy work days, that fabulous pair of shoes we want soo badly at Nordstrom rack, or even the sweet vacation hubby and I are off to....our conversations have turned to Cheese puffs and Cherries! It makes me smile!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Addy in a bucket..

Addison you are hilarious...

You do something everyday that makes me laugh out loud..

Every evening we all get on the floor to spend some quality time together

no computer

no phone

just us...

As you were standing by the ottoman laughing and dancing you lost your balance and fell backwards....


I laughed and you thought it was funny enough to stay there while I got the camera!

A picture perfect moment for our picture perfect playtime!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Be honest...when you hear the word stepmother what comes to your mind??

Why is it that stepmom is a bad word..why does it always have the word wicked, or evil in front of it? I was thinking about this today while my stepdaughter was watching a show on Disney..and there she was..the mean evil wicked stepmother. She wasn't pretty, she had an awful laugh, and she was mean. It's no wonder that women whose ex husbands remarry go up in arms and are ready for the fight of their life!

As many of you already know I am a stepmother to Peyton who just turned 9. I don't think I am wretched, have a crooked nose, or an evil laugh. I treat her as if she is my own daughter..even by making her scrub the kitchen floor..not on her knees people..I let her use the swiffer! All kidding aside I wish Disney would make a movie where the stepmother is a good person. A story about a woman that took on a relationship with a man and his child(ren). A movie that shows the sacrifice that a woman makes when takes the vow to love her husband and his children. I am a friend, mentor, confidant, and mother. I maintain a relationship with the woman that was married to my husband before I was, keep the peace, and respect her wishes. Sometimes it seems as if she controls some aspects of my home. I wonder if anyone who is not in that situation has really stepped back and thought about how that feels. I maintain this relationship because of the angel face with strategically placed freckles that calls me Christy. The one who hugs me with every ounce of her skeletal will when she sees me.

I was lucky enough growing up to have an amazing woman in my life. She married my father when she was 29 years old. She went from being single to marrying a man that had 2 young daughters and had an instant family. I hope I can be half the woman, mother, and stepmom that she is to me.

So...everyone grab your pen and paper and start writing. Write a letter to Disney and tell them you know this fabulous red head that could play in the starring role as the Fabulous, fancy, fun loving stepmother. I could definitely use the money and all of the glitz and glamour that comes with it.

All my love,

Christy Yamagata

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Addy G

It seems like just yesterday Addy was still warm and cozy in my belly...I loved her from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to decorate the nursery, of course in all pink, and put her name on everything I could find.

Addison Grace….Born 12/21/2009at 7:58am

6 lbs. 15 oz. 20.25 inches long

Her name:

Addison- We got Addison after the watching Greys Anatomy and doctor Addison Montgomery

Grace- I love this word and the meaning of it…every woman should have grace!

My baby girl had her 1st Birthday last month...I can't believe how fast it goes! It seems like just yesterday I heard her first cry...the sound took my breathe away! My life changed forever that I walked hand in hand with her today for the first time I realized that my life is changing everyday!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Stay here a little while…what does that mean? What does it mean to you as a reader of my blog and what does it mean to me? I have considered writing a blog for a long time. I spend hours in the evening over a cup of tea reading about the lives, ideas, and visions of other woman. I find myself immersed in these blogs. It gives me a place to go without leaving my house, my hubby, and my girls. Sometimes it seems as if I have gone on a journey into someone else’s life and I haven’t left the comfort of my leather chair. Snuggled up, exhausted from the screams, cries, and babble of my curious toddler, these blogs allow me to see how other moms feel about their lives. These amazing journeys that we are on should be shared, we should be proud of our strong moments as well as the weak ones, our creativity, and acceptance of the journey that we have been given. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes my husband looks at me and says “where are you tonight?” I am right where I want to be. Sitting in my spot, wrapped up next to my amazing husband while my babies rest for the night. I may be immersed into someone else’s world but I am home…think I will stay here a little while.

Now that you know…join me. Read about my life, my ideas, and how I am going to make the most out of my journey. I hope you sometimes find refuge in what I am writing, maybe sometimes just a laugh. I am not a professional writer, CEO of a company, or someone who even has a ground breaking idea…I am Christy, a stay at home mom, sister, daughter, and wife. I have had some wonderful experiences and made some amazing friends along the way. I want to share all of this with you….grab a glass of wine, tea, or drink of your choice and join me….

………………………..Stay here a little while